In the 1990s and 2000s, policy research had focused on the use and management official development assistance (ODA) for socio -economic development and poverty alleviation, or for  provincial development strategies’ formulation. The most typical activities that the Department had done for this period were our extensive involvement in the process of finalizing the governmental legal framework for effective ODA management and utilization, such as Decree 17/2001 / NĐ-CP, then amended by the Decree 131/2011.

Since 2010, policy and institutional researches have expanded to other sectors including private investment, procurement, technology transfer, and fundraising of civil society organizations etc.

The strongest and most sustainable strength that the MCD has in providing consulting services related to policy research and institutional development is the possibility to cooperate with the Legal Information Department to exploit a database of thousands of legal documents in different fields and an accurate and effective system of legal analysis.